Thursday 24 January 2008


This report from the BBC gives details of the EU proposals to cut CO2 emissions by an average 20%. While some of the more prosperous nations have to make significant cuts, some of the poorer ones are allowed to increase their emissions to "catch up". The Green lobby are unhappy because they don't think it is enough, while for the rest it is the increased costs which will be felt the most, with it reported to cost every family £520 a year. This does not include all the increased bureaucracy and waste that all these schemes produce. We will have to wait and see if the governments can agree to accept the individual cuts assigned to them.

The Greens are right, of course, to point out that if the CO2 theory were correct these cuts are but a feeble token gesture. On the other hand if CO2 does not drive climate then these costs are all pain for no gain.

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